hire a wedding planner

How to Hire a Wedding Planner in Dallas, TX

According to a survey, 96% of respondents said planning a wedding was stressful. As a soon-to-be bride, you may not find this statistic surprising, but why can’t you plan your dream day without the added stress? You can!

If you hire the right wedding planner for the job, you won’t have to deal with unnecessary anxiety before your big day. Not sure where to start? Luckily, our guide can help.

Read on to learn how to hire a wedding planner in Dallas.

Research Wedding Planners in the Dallas Area

The first step on how to hire a wedding planner in Dallas is by researching possible options in the area. The best wedding planner will depend on your specific needs.

A wedding planner should have their own website detailing the weddings and work they have done. Look for photos on these sites to learn more about what elements they tend to use in a wedding.

Hiring a wedding planner may come down to the style you want your wedding to be. Some planners stick with one or two styles over others so be sure to complete thorough research.

If a wedding planner has online reviews, read every one that you can! The best advice is always from those who have worked with the same planner you are considering.

Consult With Your Favorites

Planning a wedding is difficult, so you want to be sure you hire the right person for the job. For this reason, you should always consult with those you like from your research.

Start with a simple phone call to your top three or so choices. During this call, confirm the services they offer, their available dates, and their price range. If the answers correlate with your needs, set up a meeting.

Prepare for the Meeting

The next step to finding your dream wedding planner in Dallas is to prepare for the meeting before heading to it. If you had a large list of possible planners to narrow down, you may be meeting with more than one.

This is more of a reason to get prepared for meetings. Bring inspiration boards, magazine picks, Pinterest boards, etc.

Come with a list of questions you want to be answered and bring something to write down the answers so you don’t forget. You should also always ask for a list of references to contact after the meeting.

By noting the responses to their questions along with their personalities, you will have a better idea of how to hire the right wedding planner. A great wedding planner will respond to your ideas with enthusiasm and even offer suggestions.

Call References

If you followed the above step and asked for references, you can now call those people. You don’t have to hire a wedding planner on the spot. They will understand that you want to ensure you are making the right choice.

Just like you must be prepared for the meeting with the wedding planner, you should be prepared to speak to their references. Ask this general list of questions to get a better idea of a planner’s experience:

  • Did the wedding planner stick to your budget?
  • Can I see photos of your wedding?
  • How well did the planner take on your ideas?
  • Was the style of the wedding what you wanted?
  • What services did they take care of for you?
  • Did the wedding planner have good recommendations and connections?
  • Did they communicate with you promptly?
  • Did anything go wrong and how did the planner handle it?

By asking the tough questions, you’ll get a better idea of which wedding planner in Dallas you want to hire.

Keep in mind that a planner may give you a list of their best customers. Because of this, it is important to rely on the research you completed and not solely rely on the references.

Compare and Contrast

Comparing and contrasting the wedding planners you researched, interviewed, and so on is the most important step of the process. Take the time to consider all of the information you found.

To truly hire the right person for the job, compare personalities, references, notes, and then proposals if you received them.

After you have made a final decision, immediately call the planner to hire them. Congrats! You’ve found the perfect planner in Dallas, but that isn’t the final step.

Sign the Contract

The last thing to cover after you hire a wedding planner is the contract. If you received proposals from a planner after you met with them, it will often serve as the basis of a contract.

However, to ensure you are getting the most out of wedding planning services, ensure these points are listed in the contract:

  • Name and contact information
  • Itemized list of services
  • Total cost/calculation
  • Deposit amount due
  • Due dates for other balances
  • Refund or cancellation policy
  • Wedding planner’s signature

Only sign a contract if all of these important points are included. You should understand everything in the contract without needing to ask questions because you’ve already discussed it beforehand.

However, if you don’t understand something in the contract, don’t hesitate to ask. Once signed, you cannot go back on it in most cases.

How to Hire a Wedding Planner the Right Way

Now that you know how to hire a wedding planner in Dallas, you can start the journey for your dream day. Without the right planner, the wedding day may not go as smoothly as you wanted.

When you follow this guide, you are sure to make the best choice for your personal needs. Your day is all about you and hiring a wedding planner should be no different.

Contact us now to learn how we can elevate your wedding day goals.

wedding planner in dallas

How Much Does a Wedding Planner in Dallas Cost?

74% of couples plan to go into debt for their wedding. Engaged couples have a lot of things to think about, but one of the big ones that friends and family are likely going to be wondering about as well is the wedding. If you’re concerned about the price of the special day, it’s clear you’re not alone. Did you know that a wedding planner in Dallas can actually save you money?

Even though you’re paying them for their services, you may end up spending less on your wedding overall than you think. Keep reading below to learn about how to know what a wedding planner would cost and why you should be sure to hire one.

How Much Does a Wedding Planner in Dallas Cost?

Because every wedding is different and people plan for different activities and services for their weddings, there is not a set cost for a wedding planner.

Your prices would depend on what types of services you were looking for and what type of package you wanted for your special day. It also will depend on what your expectations are for the services leading up to the wedding day and on the actual wedding day because these will cost different amounts of money.

Most wedding planners are going to charge a specific price for full-service planning, which would include everything before and during the wedding. If you’re looking for a day-of wedding planner only, this would cost less money. 

More experienced wedding planners, including some DFW wedding planner options, may charge a little more because they know that their services are top-notch.

If you’re looking for the best event planner in Dallas, it makes sense that you can expect to pay a little bit more for their services. They have access to more tools and resources, but they also know more reputable and sought-after vendors in the community that can help with the big day.

Before you hire anyone, work out your wedding budget. It’s a good idea to consider what your overall budget is for the wedding and figure out what percentage of that you’re comfortable spending on a wedding planner. 

Why Hire a Wedding Planner?

One thing that people don’t always think about when planning a wedding is that many items will cost more than they initially expect. If you hire a wedding planner, they will be able to keep you within your budget much easier than you can do on your own. 

Another benefit to hiring a wedding planner is that they know which vendors will be best for your event. Based on your style, personality, and expectations, they will help you figure out which vendors are going to work best with your wedding and which may not be a good fit.

Because of the preferred vendors that wedding planners often work with being close to the planner, they may be able to get you additional discounts.

Not only does this help to stay on budget, but it also means you can spend a little more in other areas that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise!

Speaking of the budget again, some couples can make expensive mistakes when they are planning a wedding for the first time. Planning a big event is not an easy task; this is why wedding planners with experience in the field exist. Avoiding those mistakes means that you get to save more money, which is a good thing for any couple that is ready to start their lives together. 

Wedding planners save you time as well as money. They do all of the research and planning for you so that you have time to focus on what you’re doing before the big day.

What Will a Wedding Planner Do for You?

If you’ve just become engaged (congratulations!), you likely are trying to figure out how to get started with the planning process. After all, there is a lot to do before a wedding.

Do you know what type of wedding you want? Are you interested in a specific venue, or do you have a general idea of what you think would work best? Have you considered the size of your wedding yet?

Some of these are basic questions that you’ll need to figure out early on because other parts of the planning process will be based on these decisions.

You also want to consider any COVID-19 regulations that are in place. As the state of Texas has eased up on many of the mandates that were previously in place, some specific venues and locations, as well as vendors, still have their own requirements that need to be considered.

A wedding planner can help you coordinate every single thing to do with your wedding to take the headache off of your shoulders. This way, all you have to do is enjoy the festivities with your loved ones and new spouse.

Do You Need to Hire Dallas Wedding Planners?

Hiring a wedding planner in Dallas is a smart move if you aren’t familiar with event planning. They will help you with all aspects of the process, but they will also help you save time and money along the way.

You’ll be assured that you have the best vendors, venue, and resources available for your big day. Choosing to hire a wedding planner is a great way to ensure that your day goes off without a hitch!

Are you interested in learning more? If so, be sure to contact us today to talk about our event planning experience and see what we can do for you.

planning a corporate event

6 Factors to Consider When Planning a Corporate Event

Even for experienced event organizers, it is complicated to host a successful corporate event. For companies, corporate events are an investment that they hope will pay off in increased revenue and brand recognition and better relationships with employees and clients. So, there is a lot of pressure on event organizers to plan a successful event that enhances their company’s image

Successful events often take account of the attendees’ tastes and preferences while meeting the company’s budget and vision. The event planner has to manage several suppliers, tasks, and deadlines. This requires high-level organization skills and attention to detail.

Do you have the task of organizing your company’s next event or party? Don’t stress out as you are in the right place. Keep reading for 6 important factors you should consider when planning a corporate event in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX.

1. The Purpose of the Event

The first thing you must know when planning a corporate event is the reason why it is being held. Organizations have many reasons for hosting events. It could be a team-building party, a product launch, or a client engagement event. 

Have a meeting with the decision-makers that requested the event to set objectives and expectations for the event. There should be one main goal that will keep you focused as you organize the event. The main objective will guide every planning decision you make and help in resolving conflicts during the planning process. 

2. Your Guest List 

Another important consideration you must have is the target audience for your event. If you think of the most fun or successful parties you have attended, you will find that the program and activities matched your interests and personality. Knowing who your event audience is will make it easier for you to come up with an attractive event for them. 

Some companies and event organizers make the mistake of inviting as many people as they can to have a full party. This could backfire, as there may be many no-shows that lose interest as soon as they see the invitation. Those that show up may be from different backgrounds and personalities so they may not form a rapport with each other. 

The diversity in interests may also make it hard to create a program that appeals to all the invitees. So unless you are throwing a big celebratory event for all stakeholders, it’s better to invite a specific target audience according to the event’s purpose.

3. Your Budget

Arguably, the most important factor you must consider when planning a corporate event is your budget. The amount of cash you have could restrict or enhance the vision you have for the event. If you have a hand in setting the budget, make sure you do your research so you can have realistic figures to work with. 

It’s always a good idea to add an extra 10% to your final figure. This is because one or two things are often forgotten or some prices end up being higher than planned. If you are working with a limited budget, you will need to know where to allocate most of your funds.

Corporate event entertainment and food are two of the most expensive things when planning a corporate event. They are also what your guests will remember, so don’t skimp on these areas. It may be better to spend less on decorations and party favors. 

4. The Event Location or Venue

The venue or event location is another important factor to consider when organizing a corporate event. Choose a location that will be easily accessible both by public transport and private means. There should be adequate free parking for your guests. 

Ensure that the available space can accommodate your full guest list and a bit extra. At the same time, it shouldn’t be too big, as this will make your event look under-attended. Don’t forget to check that the venue meets your company’s safety and security requirements. 

5. Sound and Lighting

The sound and lighting at your venue can make or break your event. People underestimate the importance of good lighting and sound. That is until they end up at a dark party where they can barely see other guests. People also have to keep shouting at speakers to project their voice. 

Some parties have lighting and sound installations that are a safety risk. You don’t want your event to be memorable for the wrong reasons. Someone tripping on a sound cable and falling on their face isn’t the exact impression you want to leave.

If you can afford it, hire a professional rigger to take care of your sounds and lights. Event venues also have maintenance technicians that can help you set the sound and lighting to your taste. 

6. Event Marketing and Promotion

One of the key success factors for how to plan a corporate event is proper promotion and marketing of the event. To prevent your event from flopping you need full attendance. The company must also get the maximum exposure they can from the event before, during, and after.

Social media makes it easy and cheap to create some noise and excitement around your party. Think of the messaging and platforms that will engage your target audience and make them prioritize attending your event. 

If you have a popular speaker or entertainer attending the event, promote them heavily and ask them to share the event on their social media too. Start sending out communications about your event around 6 weeks before it takes place.

Create a unique hashtag for the event that includes the company’s name. Each time the hashtag is used, your company will get some exposure. During the event, you can post pictures and encourage attendees to take photos too and share them on their social media pages. 

What to Know When Planning a Corporate Event in Dallas and Fort Worth

Events are a great way for companies to build relationships with their clients and employees. So as an organizer, you ensure that your company benefits from its investment by hosting a successful event.

The main things you should consider are the purpose behind hosting the event, the budget, the venue, your guest list, and your promotion strategy. If you need help with planning a corporate event in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, contact us today.

wedding planner cost

What to Expect from Your Wedding Planner: Cost, Services, & More

Your wedding is one of the most important events of your life. Friends and family will have certain expectations when you invite them to your wedding. They will be looking forward to seeing the bridal party attire, eating good food, and enjoying some great entertainment.

There are so many details to manage and someone that has never planned an event may find it overwhelming. This is why wedding planners exist. A good wedding planner will reduce the stress and headache of wedding planning. 

If you want to hire one, you must first know what to budget for a wedding planner. So how much does a wedding planner cost?

Keep reading for more information on what you should expect and plan for when hiring a wedding planner.

Type of Wedding Planners

Wedding planners have the training and experience to ensure that your wedding is a memorable event for all the right reasons. They can also save you money by getting discounted rates on wedding services due to their relationships with wedding vendors. Their wedding planning experience may also help you avoid costly pitfalls that amateur planners may not know about. 

There are different types of wedding planning services that you may choose depending on your budget and requirements. It’s best to review your budget and needs before starting your wedding planner search.

A full-service planner will arrange all the details of your wedding. Partial wedding planners will oversee certain aspects of your wedding such as the venue or catering. You would have to manage all the other aspects of the wedding. 

Partial wedding planners cost less than full-service event planners. So it is a good idea to hire them if you have a limited budget and only need help with certain planning activities. 

Certain wedding venues also provide an in-house wedding planner at no cost. This type of planner would only oversee details related to your wedding venue. They may make suggestions on other aspects of your wedding and suggest vendors that you should hire. But their scope covers services provided by the venue. 

Finally, there are day-of wedding planners that are only hired to manage events on the wedding day. Their costs do include meetings before the wedding so you can brief them on the event and your expectations.

Wedding Planner Services in Dallas

Wedding planner services include planning meetings and correspondence. You should initially have monthly planning meetings with them to discuss vendors and the venue. As your wedding date gets closer you can then have weekly meetings to discuss finer planning details. 

The planner should also provide you with a list of vendors that they have worked with and would recommend. They should be able to get preferential rates and discounts from their preferred vendors. They will confirm all the vendor bookings and pay them in good time. 

You can also put your wedding planner in charge of the organization and preparation of all the wedding details. They should give you a schedule of when everything should happen. This includes the rehearsal, the cake delivery, the event décor, the bridal photo shoot, the speeches, and even the bouquet toss. 

Wedding Planner Cost

Wedding planners charge between $50 to $200 per hour for their services. A wedding planner that is hired for basic planning but won’t need to manage activities on the wedding day itself will charge you $500 to $1,500 for about three hours of basic planning. Established and well-known planners typically cost more than those that are newer to the scene. 

A basic or partial wedding planner would cost between $1,200 to $3,000. This would be for partial wedding planning and overseeing the actual day’s events.

A full-service wedding planner on the other hand will charge between $2,200 to $6,800 to take all the wedding planning out of your hands. They would be in charge of all the basics and other things including:

  • Booking vendors
  • Ensuring the set up for the wedding is perfect
  • Overseeing the wedding day itself
  • Paying and tipping vendors

As you can see, wedding planner cost varies greatly depending on how much you expect them to do.

What Should I Ask When Looking for a Wedding Planner?

Choosing the right wedding planner for your big day could be a daunting and confusing task. Before starting your search, make sure you have an idea of your budget, wedding date, and what services you need from a wedding planner. You can then shop online for local wedding planners.

Choose those with 4- or 5-star reviews. You can also ask brides in your circle if they have any recommendations. It is best to work with certified and licensed wedding planners.

They should have experience hosting weddings in the area you have chosen for your event. They get extra points if they have worked at your chosen venue and are members of a wedding planners association.

Make a list of at least three planners that fit your requirements. Meet with all the planners on your shortlist to establish who suits your personalities best. Your final choice should also be someone that understands your vision and can work with your budget.

The wedding planner should, of course, be available on your chosen wedding date. You will spend a lot of time with your wedding planner and they are your most important vendor. So listen to your gut and choose the person that you feel most comfortable and at ease with. 

Learn About Wedding Planner Costs to Make Your Big Day Special

Wedding planner cost can range anywhere from $50 to $6,800 depending on the services you need. Plan about 15% of your wedding budget to cover wedding planner fees.

If you feel hesitant, remember that a wedding planner is worth every penny. They save you time, money, and stress and make your special day one to remember forever. 

Before shopping for a wedding planner, have an idea of your budget and the services or help you need from a wedding planner. This will make it easier to choose the best planner for your needs.

Wondering about wedding planner cost in Dallas/Fort Worth? If you need help planning your Texas wedding, feel free to contact us today to make your vision a reality.